
Be Happy.




使用ls -i可以查看文件或者文件夹的inode

3146 20P)Ò

然后使用命令find . -inum 3146 -exec rm -r {} \;将其删除

注意: 如果是文件的话,命令中的-r参数就不需要了


# 获得五天以前的日期, 假设今天是20141030, 那么将得到20141025
perl -MPOSIX -le 'print strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time - 3600*24*5)'

# 你也可以使用TimeZone的写法, EST是时区, 120=24*5
5DaysBefore=`TZ="EST125EDT" date +'%Y-%m-%d'`

# 这是在GNU date下的写法(无法在SunOS下使用)
date +%Y-%m-%d -d '5 days ago'

During a session, sometimes we have a need to change the system time for our session only. We have used it to simulate time based testing.

Format TZ=ESThhEDT

The EST set your time to Eastern Standard Time and EDT is Eastern Daylight Time.

hh is the number of hours you wish to change.

Example: Currently the system(date)
date is Thu Apr 9 02:31:10 EDT 2015

And you wish to set it to yesterday at the same time. You would substitute a positive 29 for hh.

Now the shell time is(TZ=EST29EDT date):
Wed Apr 8 02:31:14 EDT 2015

Why 29 and not 24? The main UNIX clock is set from GMT not EST therefore you have to add 5 hours to your backward calculations to get the same exact time since EST is GMT - 5 hours.

Use negitive numbers to set the clock into the future.

Also if you need to set the minutes and seconds it is hh:mm:ss. These are all the number of hours, minutes and seconds from GMT that you wish to set.
This is for Solaris 10.

如果要显示各个时区的时间, 可以使用诸如TZ=PRC date命令(显示中国北京时间). 有很多时区可以选择, 可以进入目录/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo查看.

未完待续…… 最后更新 2015/06/25